binding services

Action Printing offers a wide range of binding and kitting options to give your projects a professional finishing touch. We can print, bind, package, and ship your projects in time for upcoming conferences or important meetings. We can handle the smallest items from tickets, table tents, and name tags to large format posters and banners. We can send personalized invitations and reminder mailers before and leading up to the event.

  • Book-binding options


    Spiral Binding

    The book is punched with a series of small holes on the left. Coil binding then is screwed into those holes from one end of the book to the other. The binding can either plastic or wire. Spiral binding allows your book to lie flat and to double over. Spiral wire coils are available in 1/4 inch to 2 inches in diameter sizes and can bind books of up to 24 inches in length.


    Perfect for:

    • Cookbooks
    • Notebooks
    • Technical Manuals
    • Presentations
    • Training Manuals
    • Teaching Materials
    • Educational Workbooks


    Comb Binding Comb Binding

    The pages are secured using a piece of lightweight plastic with “teeth” that fit into rectangular holes in the paper. Comb Binding can be used for books up to 3 inches thick. This binding style allows the pages to lie flat when open, and you can easily add or subtract pages.


    Perfect for:

    • Reports
    • Presentations
    • Proposals
    • Formal Documents


    Saddle Stitch Binding

    The pages are folded and inserted into a folded cover, then stapled through the fold along the spine. This style is suitable for both self-covered books (where the cover stock, or paper, is the same as the text), and books with separate covers. Generally the maximum number of pages is 96 (depending on weight and bulk of the paper used, this number may vary).


    Perfect for:

    • Brochures
    • Magazines
    • Small, Soft Cover Books
    • Short workbooks
    • Media Guides


    Perfect Binding Perfect Binding

    The most common style used for binding commercially produced paperback books. With this method, glue is applied to the left edges of the pages and the cover is glued to the page block.


    Perfect for:

    • Paper Back Books
    • User Manuals
    • Large Magazines


    Casebound Case Bound

    This binding style is typically used for books of more than 80 pages, which require a strong, high-quality finish. The pages of the book are collated, and then sewn together with thread. The cover is then glued to the spine of the page block. Case Bound is generally usually only used for books that must withstand constant use.


    Perfect for:

    • Hard Cover Books
    • Reference Books
    • Text Books
    • Novels
    • Archival Reports
  • Other finishing services


    Tabbing and Labeling

    Primarily used for direct mail projects, we can quickly and easily add mailing labels to pre-printed post cards or envelopes. A cost-effective and efficient alternative to “hand labeling”!




    Let us sort if all out – we’ll prepare and sort pages of a publication prior to binding and ensure your booklet or book prints correctly.




    Trimmed Down to Size Cutting

    Action Printing trims out your documents with precision. We can also add unique finishing touches like rounded corners and uniquely shaped cutouts (die-cutting).




    Folding Folding and Scoring

    We’ll add scores to your documents so they fold cleanly and neatly.





    NCR Forms

    We can create neat and clean notepads with easy-tear off pages or multi-part NCR forms for easy and organized use. We can number your documents as well.




    Three-Hole and Single-Hole Drill

    For reports, manuals, or lists that are put into binders or laced, we can drill 500-600 sheets at a time. That’s one less time-consuming and tedious task for you.




    Glossy UV Coating

    Give your document durability and an air of professionalism with our UV Coating – a cured coating that can be applied over ink printed on paper and dried by exposure to UV radiation adding a glossy and durable finish.





    Upon request, we’ll wrap up your products in a plastic shrink-wrap. Protect your documents and store your extra copies professionally.


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